Home Forums CPF code developement UK macro error

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    • #25700 Reply

      I’m getting an error in uk_01_Prepare_data.do with saving the UKHLSwaves_bh macro.

      global UKHLSwaves_bh = substr(c(alpha), 1, ($ukhls_w *2) )

      *2 invalid name

      Is anyone else getting the same error? I’m using Stata 16.

    • #25701 Reply
      Konrad Turek

      Hi Kim, thanks for informing me about it. Maybe you are using the latest wave of UKHLS wave 10? CPF v.1.1 is not yet updated to the versions of data that were released in 2021. For UKHLS, it works on wave 9. I think this may the reason for this error. However, incorporating new waves for UKHLS should be fairly easy (see the Manual, code updates are required in the high-level syntax to define the number of waves). If you figure it out, please share the code so that others can benefit from it.
      Unfortunately, CPF has currently no financing and staff to update the code on regular basis. However, we believe in the community-based effort to progress it (an open-source code social experiment!). One way or another, updates to the code can be expected in Autumn.
      Good luck with your research!

    • #25702 Reply
      Konrad Turek

      Hi Kim,

      I updated the Comparative Panel File (#CPF ver 1.3, https://cpfdata.com) to include the latest versions of data released in 2021 for AUS, KOR, RUS, SWT and UK (HILDA v190, KLIPS v22, RLMS v 2019, SHPv21 and UKHLS v10).

      This should solve the problem for UKHLS.


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